Waiting for PCR Test results at Haneda Airport after re-entering Japan from Michigan.

Re-entering Japan — A Retrospective

Matt Ketchum
6 min readJun 18, 2021


A lot of people have a lot of questions about the process for re-entering Japan from abroad, so in lieu of a narrative I wanted to just lay down some bullet points about my experience successfully doing it.

Note: I’m a US citizen who re-entered from Michigan. My experience is not universal, and while I hope this adds some clarity to the issue for all readers, it is not by any means comprehensive. Please speak with the relevant authorities and conduct research that fits your circumstances when looking into re-entry.

2 Week Self-Quarantine

Regardless of point of embarkation, anyone entering Japan from abroad is required to complete 2 weeks of self-quarantine at a location disclosed to the Japanese government, presumably your place of residence.

The documentation on this is confusing, but I’m on day 8 of it so make no mistake that it is in effect.

Examples of ridiculousness:

During this 14 day period, you are not allowed to use public transportation and will need to secure private transport from the airport. For me, this was Haneda Terminal 3, and I was picked up in a private car.

If you are unable to secure private transportation, it appears to be possible to spend the 14 days in a Government recognized quarantine hotel (more on that later).


You will be contacted daily through a variety of apps to confirm your location and health condition. You must install all of them on your smartphone, and if you do not have a smartphone you will be made to rent one.

You’ll also need an email account. It’s 2021 so I doubt anyone is without an email account, but if you’re somehow that person, get one asap.

You will receive video calls from operators to confirm your location.

You will press the “I’m Here!” button to submit documentation of your location.

I have had problems with this saying I’m somewhere distant when I am in the same place I have been for days.

I also have problems with audio cutting out or not being present at all.

This is purportedly a contact tracing app. I have no idea what it actually does.

You will be asked questions by a bot about your health condition. You will be given a piece of paper with a QR code and link too access this, so don’t lose that.

  • Email

You’ll be sent links to check in on your health condition.

PCR Tests

Wowee zowee. This is the one that’ll really screw you up if you don’t plan sufficiently.

The first thing I want to make perfectly clear is that you have 72 hours from the time your PCR test is administered to obtain a negative result and depart on the final leg of your journey terminating in Japan.

2 common misconceptions that will get you in trouble:

  • “The 72 hours begins once I receive a negative result.”
  • “I’m connecting mid-journey, but so long as I get on that first flight I’ll be ok.”

This is a medical cannonball run you’re dealing with. Treat it with respect and reverence.

The Japanese government only accepts their official document which you can obtain from the Valid Format of “Certificate of Negative Test Result” page. You’ll need to print this out, and it must be completed by hand. The top portion can be filled out by yourself. The bottom portion must be filled out by a doctor. Not a technician. Not a secretary. Not a nurse.

Be extremely careful with this document for the following reasons:

  • The date format is YYYY/MM/DD, which is not the standard format for US dates. If filled out incorrectly, you may be in trouble.
  • Make sure to write your name as it is written in your passport. Middle names are notorious for causing major headaches in Japan.
  • “Test Result Date” is labelled “1” and Specimen Collection Date and Time” is labelled “2”, which is backwards chronologically. The doctor filling out the form may not notice this and fill them out incorrectly.
  • 12-Hour time is the standard on this form, and circling either AM or PM is required. 24-hour time will cause headaches, as can mistakenly circling the wrong 12 hour designation.
  • Make sure the address is the full address, with street number, street, city, state, zip code, and country.
  • I’ve been told the stamp isn’t necessary, but get it anyway, and make sure they get the full stamp on the page, and not like 4/5s of it.

Sound overkill? Trust me, I dealt with all of this. Leave nothing to chance: review the signed document judiciously, and request a redo if you spot anything out of order.

You’ll also receive test results from the clinic. I don’t believe these are necessary, but take them and keep them safe anyway. Also make sure to see if the information on the clinic’s docs are in line with what’s on the official doc.

Accommodations & Facilities

Prior to your trip, have a very clear idea of:

  • Where you will be vaccinated;
  • Where you will receive PCR tests, doctor on site, and what turnover time from test administration is;
  • Where your final point of departure will be, and;
  • Proximity of where you will be staying to the above 3 facilities.

To avoid as many hassles as possible, I highly recommend staying on the outskirts of a metro area given the preponderance of quality clinics, accommodations, and, often enough, international airports.

I didn’t do this and ended up driving 500 miles in 24 hours to get a second test after the first one came back too late.

In my mind, there is no such thing as too careful with this process. Get it right, or get some ulcers.


Upon arriving in Japan, you will be ushered off the plane in very regimented fashion and soon enough led to another PCR testing station. This will be the spit test — not the nasal swab — and there’s a funny station where everyone’s lined up like in an arena men’s room spitting into cups. A negative result is necessary for being allowed out of the terminal.

Delta Variant Designation

On April 28th, 2021, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, and Tennessee were designated and are currently still recognized today (Friday, June 18th, 2021) as regions with coronavirus B.1.617 family (delta variant) by the Japanese government. There are other countries on this list, but as they don’t pertain to my circumstances, I am unfamiliar with specifics.

As such, those re-entering Japan after a stay in any of these 4 states (not a transfer through an airport) are required to complete 3 days of isolated quarantine in a hotel picked by the Japanese government immediately upon arrival.

These 3 days do count towards the 14 day total quarantine.

You will be ushered to a bus taking you and others to one of I don’t know how many quarantine hotels. Mine went to Yokohama, and it looked like they were sitting people 1 to every 2 seats. The windows weren’t open.

You’ll get off, they’ll check you in, and send you to your room where you will stay locked up for the next 72 hours except when opening the door to receive the food they’ve dropped off for you at 0730, 1200, and 1800 every day.

Regarding food, it’s bento of a pretty decent caliber. The standard meal is not halal, vegetarian, or vegan friendly, but I confirmed that those options are available.

Announcements were broadcast over loudspeakers 2 or 3 times a day. Wi-fi was alright. The windows didn’t open.

Once you complete your 72 hours, you’ll be driven back to the airport where you can be picked up from. You cannot be picked up from the hotel.

That’s about all I’ve got for now, but I’ll be sure to update and repost when necessary.



Matt Ketchum
Matt Ketchum

Written by Matt Ketchum

Consultant, curator, musician, amateur documentarian & calligrapher, hovering between Seattle and Tokyo. www.matthewbketchum.com

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