I mean, yeah, vote — its every citizen’s civic duty — but have you jumped the shark a bit here? Voting is certainly a stopgap measure that is *very* much needed right now, but if we aren’t pushing the citizenry to expand their minds and start exploring new potential solutions for the troubles that ail American society (and, tbh, a lot of the rest of the world), even if The Good Guys win, where will we be? Back at square one, a full “revolution” in the truest sense of the word.
As you mention further back in the article, a civilized society prizes “ art, science, literature, knowledge, ethics, and so on.” *In addition* to voting in the least irresponsible representatives, we need to start stretching the borders of individual and societal consciousness in order to realize even a conception of what a bright future could look like.
This is outstandingly difficult work, I cannot deny that. But the entire world is facing a complete and utter fascist meltdown, and when the going gets tough, well, the tough get going. And this is not, and I somewhat whole-heartedly believe *cannot*, be a call to physical arms — We ought not think of things in terms of “The Resistance” or “Revolution” or any other proper noun that invokes the a reverse image of the nostalgia that drives the MAGA engine. Rather, we, Americans and the rest of the world alike, need to find a way to collectively and effectively organize resources that support creative outlets in order to produce glimpses of a better world to pursue.
We don’t need a revolution, we need a renaissance.